Sunday, March 31, 2013

Emanation of Chessed

The first week of Pessach (Passover) until Shavuot we begin our personal process of building our selves up. This is the opportune time where the energies are aligned and very available to us to help us let go of the negative influences that keep us from shining our inner light. We can heal what is broken with in and become stronger and more radiant than before. This is serious internal work. You must be motivated and externalize this work to materialize it.

WEEK 1: Day 1 - March 26-27, 2013 to Day 7 – April 1-2, 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013

Nisan 2013 - Thinking Is Speaking


Nisan 2013 – Thinking Is Speaking

Are you a leader and do you speak your truth?

The month of Nisan teaches us how to become our own leader and why it is necessary to connect with these qualities.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Expose Yourself

LOVE is the most empowering force a person can call upon for any kind of healing. Did you know that the electromagnetic field of the heart is the most powerful energy field produced by the body? Studies have shown that the heart's electromagnetic field can be detected by other people and have measurable effects on these individuals standing several feet away. 

People are constantly speaking with each other without the use of words. Think about this, the magnetic field produced by the heart is 5,000 times stronger than the magnetic field generated by the brain! Do you know what you are transmitting into the world via your heart field? Stop for a moment and feel what is being created by your heart.

Every one of our thoughts, attitudes and emotions are continuously streaming and being emitted into our environment. The more you connect with your positive heart energy, you begin to heal yourself and others around you.

Love tip: The act of revealing something personal to a loved one opens their heart to you and yours to theirs.